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7 food adjust endocrine disorders | Health and Fitness Tips | Weight ...

Endocrine disorders not only affect people?s daily life, work and study, as one of the common diseases of modern man, and had a serious impact on human health.The body?s endocrine system and the secretion of various hormones and the nervous system work together to regulate the body?s metabolism and physiological functions. Under normal circumstances, a variety of hormones is to maintain a balance, as a result of some reason to break this balance, resulting in too much or too little of a certain hormone, leading to endocrine disorders, causing clinical symptoms. Male and female endocrine disorders may occur.

Obesity, acne, hair loss, weakened immunity, and other symptoms may be caused by endocrine disorders. So, what to eat can regulate endocrine disorders?

1, fresh fruits and vegetables
Contains rich nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants such as fresh fruits and vegetables, not only the anti-aging effects, but also helps to regulate endocrine disorders.

2, the protein-containing foods
Fish is one of the protein-rich food, but also rich in OMEGA ? 3 and Omega ? 6 and ?-9 oil. These oils are the best sources of fat, eating two fish per week, will help to maintain the balance of the endocrine system.

3, garlic
Garlic has an important role in endocrine disorders. The garlic both to enhance the body?s immunity, but also improve the body?s ability to resist external infection. In addition, it can also help to regulate blood sugar levels. One or two a day chewing garlic can effectively maintain endocrine balance.

4, eat green food
Green foods include broccoli, lettuce, celery, it able Jianshen the health liver, and spleen. Spleen health, good digestion and absorption of food beneficial for kidney liver and spleen, to maintain the balance of the secretion of hormones, to avoid adverse physical condition. Therefore, the yellow food material is the driving force behind the supplemental hormones.

5, some herbs
Medicine as a treasure of the history of Chinese medicine for various incurable diseases own therapy. Maintain endocrine balance, some equally effective traditional Chinese medicine herbs, including ginseng and ginkgo. Ginseng is a high hormone food, and help to maintain the equilibrium of the human hormone balance and hormones.

6, eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin B
Calcium-rich foods, including milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, dried beans and yogurt, vitamin B-rich foods include chicken, fish, eggs, cereals, legumes and nuts. Eat these two types of food will help maintain endocrine balance.

7, eat yellow food
Yellow foods include soy, lemon, tofu, pumpkin, corn and banana, not only in poor physical condition when to eat and very effective, usually three meals a day, often eat yellow food, but also can enhance the stomach intestinal function, changing the cold constitution, conducive to the enhancement of metabolic function and maintain the capacity of the secretion of female hormones.

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Tags: adjust endocrine disorders, endocrine disorders, endocrine disorders tips, regulate endocrine disorders
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Source: http://www.hhtip.com/7-food-adjust-endocrine-disorders/

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