শুক্রবার, ৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Nonprofit Law Blog: Nonprofit Tweets of the Week - November 9, 2012

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week - November 9, 2012

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Momentous week. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:

  • Gene: "America?s never been about what can be done for us. It?s about what can be done by us" - The President of the United States
  • Philanthropy: What the next 4 years might mean for nonprofits w/ Obama's 2nd term http://ow.ly/f61Xg
  • Philanthropy: From the Washington Post: Boehner opens door to new revenue to halt debt http://ow.ly/f6Eqi Ominous signs for charitable deduction?
  • Ellis Carter: Choosing a Fiscal Sponsor?
  • Gene: Mozilla Foundation to Pay $1.5 Million to Settle Up with the IRS Ostatic Blog
  • Judy Alnes: My debut in Nonprofit Quarterly on nonprofit mergers and our recently released nonprofit merger research http://bit.ly/Qi6UyX
  • Gene: Entrepreneurs' Foundation (affil w/ Silicon Valley Community Fdn) sues ex-ED for misusing funds, breach of fid duties - Silicon Valley Biz Journal
  • AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Don't know a Super PAC from a 501c4? You need our new guide?
  • Emily: Facebook Gifts Get Charitable: You Can Now Give The Gift Of Donations To Your Friends TechCrunch?
  • Independent Sector: We're gearing up for the 2012 Annual Conference! Will you be there? Check out the great events happening in a few days: http://ow.ly/f6d83 [Ed. Emily and I are looking forward to attending!]

For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week - November 9, 2012

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Momentous week. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:

  • Gene: "America?s never been about what can be done for us. It?s about what can be done by us" - The President of the United States
  • Philanthropy: What the next 4 years might mean for nonprofits w/ Obama's 2nd term http://ow.ly/f61Xg
  • Philanthropy: From the Washington Post: Boehner opens door to new revenue to halt debt http://ow.ly/f6Eqi Ominous signs for charitable deduction?
  • Ellis Carter: Choosing a Fiscal Sponsor?
  • Gene: Mozilla Foundation to Pay $1.5 Million to Settle Up with the IRS Ostatic Blog
  • Judy Alnes: My debut in Nonprofit Quarterly on nonprofit mergers and our recently released nonprofit merger research http://bit.ly/Qi6UyX
  • Gene: Entrepreneurs' Foundation (affil w/ Silicon Valley Community Fdn) sues ex-ED for misusing funds, breach of fid duties - Silicon Valley Biz Journal
  • AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Don't know a Super PAC from a 501c4? You need our new guide?
  • Emily: Facebook Gifts Get Charitable: You Can Now Give The Gift Of Donations To Your Friends TechCrunch?
  • Independent Sector: We're gearing up for the 2012 Annual Conference! Will you be there? Check out the great events happening in a few days: http://ow.ly/f6d83 [Ed. Emily and I are looking forward to attending!]

For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.

Source: http://www.nonprofitlawblog.com/home/2012/11/nonprofit-tweets-of-the-week-november-9-2012.html

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