সোমবার, ৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Education of hospitalized children | Parsley Project

A lot of children are hospitalized every day. The California HealthCare Foundation mentioned that the 5% of adults care for a child with a health condition or disability. In Europe, 114 pediatric hospitals and pediatric units care for them. Since May 1986, the European Charter on The Rights of the Hospitalized Child adopted by the European Parliament proclaims the right of sick children not to be discriminated and to keep playing and studying, taking into account all dimensions of health.

Integrated Hospital Care in Spain is seen as one of the rights that protect all children regardless of their health. According to the State Regulations, the Ley de Integraci?n social de los minusv?lidos (LISMI, 1982) states in article 29: ?Todos los hospitales, tanto infantiles como de rehabilitaci?n, as? como aquellos que tengan servicios pedi?tricos permanentes (?), as? como de los hospitales privados que regularmente ocupen cuanto menos la mitad de sus camas con enfermos cuya estancia y atenci?n sanitaria sean abonados a cargo de los recursos p?blicos, tendr?n que contar con una secci?n pedag?gica para prevenir y evitar la marginaci?n del proceso educativo de los alumnos en edad escolar internados en ellas.? Law gives priority to educational work but also considers social and psychological development of the sick child.

The hospital classrooms are the areas designated in hospitals to meet their needs. The objectives of the hospital classrooms are to support the overall development of students, to avoid social and scholar exclusion, compensate for deficiencies resulting from the disease, reduce stress and facilitate school integration of children.

The implementation of these spaces is regulated by an agreement between the Consejer?as de Salud y Educaci?n, which allows their set up tending to the children educational needs and facilitating contact between the hospital teachers and the educational centers. In the hospital classrooms, teachers try to ensure the continuity of the teaching of children.

The hospital teachers boast a strong motivation; the in-patient environment is stressful and can be hazardous to professionals within it. They must adapt school curricula in most cases in an individualized way. For this reason, teachers must divide their time between different students, and the result is that every child receives at the most one hour of classes per day. Education must be ensured in hospitals, although they are children who decide how and when access to this right.

His performance on each subject or not depends on what children want to do and nurse?s suggests, taking into account that in some moments ?that education in the hospital is inappropriate because hospitalized patients are too ill to learn or retain information or skills?.

It must be emphasized that care for sick children is pointed now to minimize the time children spend in the hospital, in an attempt to not separates the sick child to his usual environment and alleviates in this way the complications associated with treatment. Children are hospitalized at present only when unavoidable. If the child has to be assisted in his house, he will need a teacher to move to his home to continue as far as possible the school program. This teacher would work in collaboration with the hospital teacher and teacher from the reference school. It is also considering other issues relating to children?s right to health care, such as their need to play.


Source: http://llefia.org/blog/parsleyproject/2012/11/04/education-of-hospitalized-children/

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